On lookdown drills in school

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On lookdown drills in school

Post by Pigeon » Sun May 29, 2022 2:27 pm

"And this elementary schooler looks me dead in the eye and says, 'You don't need to worry.' I said, 'Oh, we're gonna worry because we care about you.' She goes, 'No, no, we practice it. So when it happens, we know what to do so we don't get hurt.' When it happens."

"And I'm trying to figure out at what point in time this became so normalized that our kids are just saying 'when it happens' instead of 'if it happens' or 'just in case.' No, they're saying 'when' and that is so fucked up."

And in the comments, parents, teachers, students, and others shared their own experiences with armed intruder drills and surviving school shootings.

One person wrote, "I’m a teacher and I cry every time we practice. And I cry every time my own kids tell me about their practice. Why are we allowing this still?"

Another commenter said, "I am old enough to remember my first lockdown drill. My students have never known school without them. It’s heartbreaking and terrifying."

One parent shared, "I’ll always remember when my 4-year-old told me her spot for the drill 'so when it happens you can come find me,' and if that isn’t the hardest thing."

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