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Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 3:01 pm
by Pigeon

After Citibank IT specialist Jason Gelinas was outed last week as operator of the main QAnon website, reporters went to his house in New Jersey hoping for a statement from him, but all they got was, “QAnon is a patriotic movement to save the country.”

Such a disappointment. Wouldn’t it have been wonderfully refreshing if he’d said something like, “Yeah, easiest scam in the world, it brought in over 3K a month on Patreon. And here’s the weird thing: the nuttier the posts, the more it brought in! All legal, too!” (Gelinas is now on enforced paid leave from Citigroup pending an investigation of his moonlighting activities.)


Re: QAnon

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 3:02 pm
by Pigeon

Citigroup Inc. terminated a manager in its technology department following an investigation into his role as the operator of the most prominent website dedicated to the QAnon conspiracy theory.

Jason Gelinas had been placed on paid leave after he was identified on Sept. 10 by the fact-checking site as the operator of the website and its associated mobile apps.

“Mr. Gelinas is no longer employed by Citi,” the company said in a statement. “Our code of conduct includes specific policies that employees are required to adhere to, and when breaches are identified, the firm takes action.”


Re: QAnon

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 3:56 pm
by Pigeon

Cult Expert Predicts QAnon Adherents Will 'Get Angry and Exit'

How do we dismantle a dangerous cult safely and turn this into yet another American fad as embarrassing as bell-bottoms, polyester and pet rocks? By dismantling the power of its mythology so people who have been pulled into it return to independent thinking.

Fundamentally, QAnon is a mind virus, and we must bring the rate of transmission down. For starters, stop mocking QAnon and calling it a conspiracy theory; it is a psy-op, an intentional online cult movement aimed at recruiting and indoctrinating people into an all-or-nothing, us-vs.-them, good-vs.-evil frame. It is important to understand that QAnon believers think they are heroes and believe they are aligned with a righteous cause.
