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It's the economic version of "Fuck around and find out".

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 11:57 am
by Pigeon
From a Reddit post

A family member that is very well off, is lamenting his exploitation of others.

I talked with a family member that is married to a woman that sold terrible loans during the housing crisis. They ended up making a ton of money off buying up rental units and selling houses. He and I didn’t use to see eye to eye, and we have had some very serious fights over this.

Last night he was talking about how they are probably going to move the the middle of nowhere and he’s really hating that they have to do so. He told me that he thinks the poor will rise up and kill all the rich soon and they want to get out of big cities.

He’s angry that they aren’t going to be able to enjoy the money made and are worried about their children.

I wanted to ask him if it was all worth it, but there’s no need to rub it in. I feel bad for him, but I told him pretty consistently that screwing others just so you can have a little more will result in poverty, which results in crime.

I think we might be past the outrage point now and I believe this summer, when they start rolling black outs to keep power usage, and the water shortages that will force the poor to change their lifestyles, will ultimately be what kicks it off.

Other than some Americans stiring up trouble for the LULZ, I am not so sure people will get around to it. Talk is cheap and that seems to be all that most will buy.

Re: It's the economic version of "Fuck around and find out".

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 11:58 am
by Pigeon

Re: It's the economic version of "Fuck around and find out".

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 12:00 pm
by Pigeon